Terrestrical survey of Parish church and chapel on Stogić cemetary, based on the signed agreement with Parich office, survey of these two objects, which are listed as national cultural monuments, was performed by BNPro d.o.o. Sarajevo, company specialized for designing and geodetic works, from 6th until 9th April 2010.
After the performed survey, BNPro company will make elaborate with architectural facade drafts with all damages and apsolute elevation cotas, as well as ground plan of the church and chapel, which will provide all needed prerequisites for future sanation of church and chapel facade, which is the goal of this observation. Terrestrical survey of objects facade represents detailed observation of every particular item of the facade, all its areas, bumps, plastic, carpentry and locksmithing as well as roof surfaces. This work was done after consultations between Parish office and Federal Department for Cultural Monuments Preservation, based in Sarajevo.